August 2020 Month of Prayer

Isaiah 61 - Justice

This year we are focusing on the theme of justice, using Isaiah 61 as our focus passage, which you can read above. Below, you will find prayer resources for the different weeks throughout August, exploring a different theme each week.

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Week Four – Climate Justice

Monday: Pray for those whose homes or livelihoods are being impacted by climate change.
Tuesday: Pray for engineers and designers looking for solutions to the climate crisis.
Wednesday: Pray for those actively engaged in the work for climate justice.
Thursday: Pray for those involved in scientific research linked with climate change.
Friday: Pray for those who are leading and in positions of power to make a difference to the current climate emergency.
Saturday: Pray for the church and its role in combatting climate change.
Sunday: Pray for Kahaila‘s role in this area.

Week Three – Economic Justice

Monday: Pray for those in our local community whose jobs and livelihoods have been impacted by Covid19.
Tuesday: Pray for local authorities, charities and church groups around the country trying to provide support to those facing economic hardship.
Wednesday: Pray for those actively engaged in the work for economic justice.
Thursday: Pray for those who are having to leave their homes and countries around the world as a result of economic injustice. 
Friday: Pray for those who are leading and in positions of power to make a difference to injust economic systems.
Saturday: Pray for the church and its role in combatting economic injustice.
Sunday: Pray for Kahaila‘s role in this area.

Week Two – Racial Justice

Monday: Pray for a realisation and recognition of racial injustice for those who do not see it
Tuesday: Pray for those who are broken-hearted, for those who mourn as a result of racial injustice
Wednesday: Pray for those who are actively engaged in the work for racial justice
Thursday: Pray for the leaders and decision makers in tackling systemic racism and oppression
Friday: Pray for those who seek to educate and inform in matters of racial justice
Saturday: Pray for the church and its role in tackling racial injustice
Sunday: Pray for Kahaila’s role in this area

Week One – Criminal Justice

Monday: Pray for those who are in prison
Tuesday: Pray for the victims of crime
Wednesday: Pray for the families impacted by crime
Thursday: Pray for our communities
Friday: Pray for those who work in prisons, such as Essence
Saturday: Pray for all working in the criminal justice system
Sunday: Pray for Kahaila’s role in this area

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